... that Allied Arts of Seattle, a major force in preserving the city's Pioneer Square (pictured) and Pike Place Market, began as the Beer and Culture Society?
... that up to 78 percent of 1,016 leading political figures in post-Soviet Russia have served previously in organizations affiliated with Russian intelligence services like the KGB?
... that former Ohio House of Representatives minority whip and current U.S. House candidate Steve Driehaus coordinated the largest U.S. professional exchange program with the "new" South Africa?
... that the Tamil film Meera based on the life of poetess-saint Mirabai was filmed at the actual places which Mirabai had visited on her pilgrimage?
... that Ariel Sharon named his former party, Shlomtzion, after the newly born daughter of Amos Keinan, co-founder of the Israeli–Palestinian Council?
... that Marinens Flyvebaatfabrikk M.F.12, the last trainer of the Royal Norwegian Navy Air Service and the intended replacement of the 1920s Marinens Flyvebaatfabrikk M.F.8, was only built in a prototype before the German invasion of Norway halted work?
... that before becoming mayor of Seattle in 1912, George F. Cotterill had been instrumental in platting its piers, building its sewers, and innovating its mode of financing major utility projects?